
5 Best Nurse Call Systems In The Market


Today, a nurse call system is a must-have in any hospital or nursing home. Nurse call systems let patients reach caregivers easily and allow staff in a healthcare institution to communicate with each other.

Nurse call technology has come a long way, with manufacturers providing additional features to make communications and hospital care more efficient and fulfilling for patients and caregivers. But with more features and products in the market, it can be hard to choose the best nurse call system that works for your hospital or care facility.

Here are some of the best nurse call systems in the market to help you get started.

Aidbell Nurse Call System

Aidbell is the brand belonged to Fujian Calling-Tech Technology Co., Ltd, which manufactures and sells high-quality and innovative calling systems for hospitals, healthcare providers, and caregiver facilities. They provide a range of solutions to meet the needs of different institutions and provide fast and efficient communication between staff and patients.

Aidbell nurse call systems come in one of three forms:

Aidbell Wireless Nurse Call Systems are designed to allow patients to alert nurses when patients need care or during emergencies. Wireless nurse call systems come with a variety of components to facilitate communication. Nurse call system components include:

  • Nurse call buttons with a handset or push cord for patients to use when calling for nurses
  • Wireless receivers which include nurse call lights and wireless pendant  
  • Wireless repeaters to transmit the signal from nurse call buttons to nurse call station

Aidbell Wireless Caregiver Pager System is designed for assisted living facilities, caregiving facilities, and families living with the elderly or people with disabilities. These caregiver pager systems allow seniors and ill people to communicate their needs and requests for help conveniently. These systems are composed of wireless caregiver pager, pendant pager, and wearable panic button.

Intercall Nurse Call System

Intercall nurse call systems are designed to meet the needs of a nursing home to large hospitals through custom nurse call systems. The company offers four nurse call systems for clients to choose from including:

The ultra series is Intercall’s most advanced nurse call system that offers hands-free room-to-room voice communication. Other features include a liquid crystal display, staff locator, and staff emergency button among other features. The ultra series is customizable allowing different healthcare and caregiver institutions to program the system to meet their needs.

The vista series nurse call system is designed for facilities that do not need voice communication. The system is designed to support up to 150 calls. It allows the patient to press a button to call for caregivers. On their end, caregivers receive a light and tone notification to alert them of the patient’s needs. This system also comes with corridor lights that are placed outside each room and light up to indicate a patient’s call.

The legend nurse call system offers audio-visual alerts in hospitals and other healthcare centers. They come in two models; legend II and Equinox II.

The nurse call light consists of LED corridor domes that give visual cues to medical personnel. They can produce sounds alongside the visual signal or be silent depending on the call priority. They come in different colors and are strong enough to be seen above high ambient light conditions. Those with audio capabilities are loud enough to be heard at great distances and alert medical staff of any emergencies.

Ascom Nurse Call System

Ascom offers nurse call and monitoring systems for hospitals, clinics, and assisted living care facilities. They have two main systems, including Ascom Telecare and Ascom Telligence.

Ascom Telecare IP allows you to customize messages and alerts and comes with a wander management system to help caregivers keep track of patients in the facility.

This system includes wearable panic buttons, room controllers, bedside call buttons, and wireless sensors, each with unique features to provide necessary alerts, including motion detectors, smoke detectors, magnetic connectors, and location functions.

The Ascom teleCare IP can connect to smartphones allowing caregivers to check on resident or patient alerts. The system also comes with reporting and analytics capabilities for continuous improvement and compliance.

The Ascom Telligence nurse call is a patient response system that provides caregivers comprehensive patient information. The platform has a unique patient response system that enables faster responses to patient requests by capturing and relaying information from multiple sources.

The Telligence system also comes with documentation support to facilitate faster updates and reduced duplication.

Rauland Nurse Call System

Rauland provides communication systems to connect patients and caregivers through the Enterprise nurse call solution. The Responder enterprise consists of scalable IT infrastructure that expands with the growing needs of your facility.

Rauland’s solutions provide a centralized solution for complete clinical transparency. Their nurse call systems also provide data encryption to keep patient information secure and numerous integrations to allow for more choices and opportunities.

Their systems provide direct communication between patients, their families, and caregivers. Family members can make direct requests to caregivers on behalf of their loved ones, thus eliminating unnecessary steps in meeting the patient’s needs.

  Some of the key elements of the enterprise nurse call solution include:

  • Workflow optimization
  • Workflow automation
  • An activity board
  • Optimized outcomes
  • Staff assignment
  • EHR Documentation
  • Assignment sharing
  • Responder resources

Jeron Nurse Call System

Jeron offers communication solutions for diverse healthcare scenarios, including clinics, hospitals, ambulatory surgery, and long-term care facilities. Among their nurse call systems are:

  • Provider 790
  • Provider 700
  • Pro-Alert 570
  • Provider 790 ASC

Provider 790 is an advanced acute care nurse call system that optimizes staff efficiency by keeping them mobile and accessible to provide patient care. The system comes with features such as:

  • VoIP technology
  • SIP wireless phone integration
  • Touchscreen operation
  • Real-time staff location
  • Automated workflow alert

Provider 700 is a flexible and scalable nurse call system that leverages wireless and networking technology to streamline communication and workflows in healthcare facilities. Some of the features on Provider 700 include:

  • Automated staff locating
  • Intuitive touchscreen operation
  • Integrated rounding reminders for caregivers
  • Bathroom alerts
  • Bed exiting monitoring

The Pro-Alert 570 is a nurse call system designed for senior care facilities with features such as high-visibility indicators, wireless text alerts to smartphones and pagers, and wireless calls.

Choosing the Best Nurse Call System

With so many options in the market, it pays to do some research beforehand to ensure you choose the best nurse call system that meets the needs of your patients, improves patient satisfaction, and improves staff productivity. Choosing the best system begins with identifying the communication and workflow gaps within your healthcare facility, identifying the key features that would fill these gaps, and looking for a system with all the essential features and functionalities.

If you need help find a cost-effective nurse call system with easy installation for your facility, feel free to contact us today.
